BullHorn Lip Lift – Surgical upper lip lift

Cosmetic surgery

The lips are a distinctive feature of the face and their shape and size affect a person’s overall appearance. Narrow lips are a complex for many women who would like to have fuller lips for a plumper and more attractive appearance. An overly elongated philtrum can also be a problem, which is one of the effects of natural facial ageing. Fortunately, the appearance of this part of the body can be easily corrected; an upper lip lift, or ‘lip lift’, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to improve the appearance of the lips by increasing their visibility and improving their overall shape. This procedure aims to create a more youthful and attractive contour by lifting the upper lip and exposing more of the labial redness, while minimising the distance between the lip and the base of the nose.

Upper lip lift – what does the procedure look like?

The lip lift is performed under local anaesthetic, ensuring that the patient is completely comfortable during the procedure. By making a small incision just below the base of the nose, the plastic surgeon removes a designated amount of skin in a precise manner to lift the upper lip and expose more of its redness. The scar from the procedure hides in the natural crease under the nose making it virtually invisible.

Upper lip lift – how to proceed after the procedure?

Recovery time varies from person to person, but is usually no longer than one week. Daily washing and antisepsis of the wound is usually recommended. Sutures are usually removed within a week to ten days after surgery. For the first seven days after surgery, do not physically strain or exercise. Excessive sun exposure, saunas and tanning beds should also be avoided.

BullHorn Lip Lift – Surgical upper lip lift

  • abnormal proportion in relation to upper and lower lip
  • too long a distance between the nose and the redness of the lips
  • narrow upper lip redness
The results:
  • restoration of the correct proportion of upper to lower lips
  • shortening of the segment between the nose and the redness of the lips
  •  enlargement of the redness of the lips