Upper/Lower Blepharoplasty

Cosmetic surgery

Drooping eyelids and flabby, wrinkled skin make the eyes look sad and the face appear tired and gloomy. Sometimes, in addition to the aesthetic aspect, such a defect causes a reduced field of vision.

In addition to the passing  time, the shape of the eyelids is also influenced by anatomical structure, so it happens that young people are also affected.

Unfortunately, creams and cosmetic treatments do not always have the desired effect, so if you want to improve the appearance of your eyelids and change the expression of your entire face, you should consider having upper and/or lower blepharoplasty surgery.

Blepharoplasty – what does the procedure look like?

Before performing the procedure, the plastic surgeon carefully delineates the excess skin to be removed.

The procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia. Pain after the procedure is not intrusive and discomfort in the form of swelling or bruising disappears within 1-2 weeks.

It is very common for patients who have undergone eyelid correction to return to work and normal life just seven days after the procedure.

The beautification effect is long-lasting – depending on the rate of tissue ageing, it can last up to 10 years!

Upper and/or lower eyelid correction is the best way to eradicate the signs of ageing and restore a youthful, radiant appearance.

This procedure is performed in our clinic by plastic surgeons

dr Kajetan Kociszewski, dr Paweł Płosaj, dr Elżbieta Klein.


*The price of the treatment may change due to the extent and type of anaesthesia. The final cost of the procedure/operation is determined by the doctor in consultation with the patient.

Upper/Lower Blepharoplasty


restriction of the visual field
insufficiency of the upper eyelid lever muscle
headaches, fatigue and eyelid heaviness caused by eyelid flaccidity
improvement and rejuvenation of the appearance

The results:

radiate look

youthful appearance

no complexes