The Zaffiro thermolifting treatment is based on emitting infrared (IR) light with a wavelength of 750-1800 nm with high intensity. The effect of applying such an intense stimulus at the appropriate depth is the warming of the layers of the dermis to 65 degrees C with the simultaneous constant cooling of the epidermis.
After such a strong influence on the tissues, the collagen fibers are gradually rebuilt in the skin. We shorten them.
We will see the first effects immediately after the treatment. However, you have to wait several months, sometimes even six months, for the final results of the facelift.
The process of creating collagen fibers takes about 30 days. However, the length of the cosmetic effect depends on many factors, such as age, skin type, lifestyle and care methods.
To achieve satisfactory results, you should undergo a series of 3-5 treatments (with monthly intervals) and follow the post-treatment recommendations.
The duration of the procedure depends on the area and lasts from 15 minutes to an hour (thermolifting can be performed on any part of the body, except for the mucous membranes).
loss of skin firmness on the face, neck and décolleté as a result of the aging process or weight loss
loss of body skin firmness as a result of the aging process or the loss of a lot of body weight
loose skin on the abdomen after childbirth
nasolabial folds, wrinkles
loss of the oval of the face
reconstruction and increased production of new collagen fibers
increasing skin density by up to 30%
increasing skin tension and elasticity
smoothing wrinkles
skin rejuvenation